Since the inception of Kaneko & Associates in 1998, we have been fully dedicated to pursuing the best possible resolution for each and every consulting assignment we are engaged in. Our dedication derives from the understanding that the mission of introducing the key professionals who would be the inspiration to your business; leaders who are flexible and open to changes in the workplace. Through our global network, mostly in the US, Japan, and China, Kaneko and Associates has been searching for and met numerous outstanding professionals over the last 25 years.
Our business and daily lives are facing rapid transformations by emerging digital technologies and business models which have fundamental impact on the existing products and services offered in the industry. These innovative new technologies such as AI, Big Data, Blockchain, IoT, and Fintech are also causing the need for re-evaluation of “Top Leaders”.
As the business landscape changes, it is only natural that the quality of successful leaderships also needs to be redefined. In this new digitally disrupted environment, it is ever more important for leaders to be able to have a long-term clear vision, to adapt to new environment, and to show humility and a willingness to accept diverse inputs. Our task and goal are to connect these borderless professionals to you.
Although the word “disruption” normally has negative connotations, I believe that we could also find positive benefits in this new era of digital transformation. At least, that is the spirit that Kaneko and Associate Japan would like to keep in order to provide the best professional services to the world leading executives around the world.
CEO Nobuyoshi Kaneko